Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Burot Beach

Burot beach is an inexpensive getaway just hours away from metro manila. Located in Calatagan Batanggas it is a 3 to 4-hour bus/van ride from Pasay. I have read in a blog that they have a bus terminal at the back of Mcdonalds (Pasay Rotonda) but as of July 2014 (the time of our visit) there is no longer a terminal there, there is however a terminal for Vans, near Mcdonalds, at the back of Kabayan Hotel. If for any reason you can't take the van there is a terminal in Coastal Mall but you have to wait for the bus for an indefinite time since there are very limited buses going to Calatagan.

This was taken near our camp, those little trees from afar are along the breakwater.
At our arrival I have to say that I was not amazed by the place (but it wasn't bad for the budget either) I considered it to be on  scale of 4 out of 10 but I did enjoy our boat ride to "Puting Buhangin" a small islet just 10-15 minutes away from the beach. Puting Buhangin dissapears at low tide and the boatman will advice you of the time, I'd say ask right away when you arrive so you can plan accordingly. The caretakers are in the store, you will easily identify it once you're there.
At Puting Buhangin, there are small islets surrounding it with private amenities, really cool.
 After we explored the remote places however on the next day I'd give it a 6/10. Behind the small hummock on the left side when you are facing the sea there is a trail (not so visible, but you'd figure it out) that leads you to another hidden beach area with a green facade at it's back resembling what seems to me as little (forced) Batanes.
This is the hidden view for the little (forced) batanes. 
and here's from another angle

On the far right side of the beach they have placed a concrete to break the water so you'd have a shallow sandy part on one side and a deep water on the other side so just don't cross the line if you can't swim (that's common sense, I just want to verbalize it). At the other end of the breakwater there are a couple of mangroves which makes it unique because it looks like trees are growing in the middle of the sea made possible by the barrier, a spot to take those beautiful photos (most probably better than ours).
the breakwater

How to get there (Public Transpo):

  • Ride a bus/van bound to Calatagan. I personally recomend the van located in Zamora St. at the back of Kabayan Hotel. If worse comes to worst there are buses from Coastal Mall terminal but you have to wait for a very long time (or not if you arrive in a very opportune time) since there a few. Either rides will cost you 180PHP as of writing.
  • The bus/van's last stop would be the terminal in Calatagan just in front of the market.
  • Tricycle drivers will come to you at the terminal, if not look for one to take you to Burot beach. I say get the trike driver's number and ask him to pick you up on your ETD because there are no public transpo available from the beach. 150PHP per trip - 3Pax.


  • Admission Fee - 130PHP/Pax
  • Tent Fee (Own Tent) - 20PHP/Pax
  • Boat Ride to Puting Buhangin (Optional) - 500PHP/Trip (Max of 5 pax, but depends on the boat)

Travel Tips

  • Leave early from Manila so you will have more time to enjoy the beach, contact the number below to know the timetable of the Vans leaving from Manila. 
  • To enjoy the place, stay overnight. They have tents for rent (500PHP if I remember it correctly) but you can also bring your own but you have to pay 30PHP/pax aside from your 130PHP entrance fee.
  • There are no ready to eat foods for sale so bring your own cookset and the whole paraphernalia for cooking unless you want to eat bread the whole time (though there is an option to let the caretakers cook your food for a fee).
  • Buy all your ingredients from the market or from Manila, the store there have a very limited supply. Early in the morning there are fishermen selling their catch at a considerably lower price compared to the prices in Manila but this is not a guarantee as you never know if they are going to catch anything or who knows what else so this should only be a side dish plan (its main course but you get the idea), not the main menu. 
  • You can rent a grill but you can also bring your own, who knows if everything else is rented.
  • Bring flashlights and camplights if you are staying overnight, there is no electricity.
  • Bring potable water enough for the duration of your stay.
  • Those who can't live without bathrooms can celebrate, they have those in place. 

Prices may vary and is not guaranteed, this info is as of July 2014.

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