Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Climb that Broke My Knee (Kota Kinabalu – A Reminisce)

A picture, a piso fare and a goal to have at least one out of the country trip a year made me book the flight to Kota Kinabalu with two other Mountaineer friends last November 2012.

We booked the reservation for the climb online via Sutera Sanctuary Lodges  - this and Mountain Torq (who owns the via ferrata - but you can still avail of this even if you book via Sutera Lodges) are the ones officially managing and taking care of Mt. Kota Kinabalu so there are not much  variations in the prices, the only caveat is to book your reservation in advance because they have a maximum number of people allowed to climb daily and chances are the date maybe full if you book your climb near your climb date.

In Sabah, you will meet a lot of Filipinos as this place is just 560 miles away from Sulu and some people have come here through boats (which is illegal) so they are mostly from Mindanao. I think it is not easy to do this illegal migration now though as I believe they have tightened their boundary securities already. They speak Tagalog but their dialect are the ones spoken in Mindanao - ie. Tausug.

Seafood – they have lots of this, so if you are into seafood, ( not seefood - the diet where when you see food you eat it? :P) you will love Kota. They are affordable too; I remember the food ranging from 5-10 RM. They are very much into spices as well, but unfortunately I am not – so I made sure I know what’s in the food first before I order.

So here’s the deal, you will be accommodated at Sutera Lodges at noon of your first day – but this not the day you will climb so you don’t have to book for another hotel before going there for rest, if you booked your flights to arrive early in the morning you can go straight from the Airport to Kota Kinabalu’s Park Headquarters. Inclusive in the booking for climbing Kota are accommodation for two nights, dinner on the first day, Breakfast, Packed Lunch and Dinner on the second day, (very early) Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner on the third day but you have to make it on or before 18:00 back on the Park Headquarters for you to be able to catch the buffet for your last dinner at Sutera.

The climb starts on the second day as early as 7:00 but maybe late depending on how early you are and your guides – the earlier the better. In our case we were the ones waiting for the car to take us to the jump off. It’s a long climb, and I mean really long specially on your third day and they have lots of stairs. On the second day we started the hike at around 9:00, had our lunch at around 13:00 and we were at KM 3.0 by this time if I’m right. We arrived at the next shelter (Laban Rata) before the summit at around 15:00.

Upon arrival at Laban Rata we inquired about how we can register/pay for us to take the via ferrata on our way down from the summit because when we inquired for it at the Park HQ they were not able to process a credit card payment for some reasons and told us to do it Laban Rata. We were waiting for almost forever before the payment went through and we actually almost gave up as they said it was because of the weather when finally the payment went through and we were able to book it. But then again the via ferrata route will depend on whether the next day the sun will show up or not.

You have to rest early at Laban Rata as you need to wake up at around 01:00 for you need have an ealry breakfast before the hike for the summit which commence at 2:00 for you to be able to reach the summit before sunrise. At around 5:00 we arrived at the summit, took pictures and headed to the meet up point for the via Ferrata (you will be briefed on your second day as to where you will meet and the time you need to catch for the decent) start point for our way down back to Laban Rata.

We arrived at around 10:00 at Laban Rata, took the early lunch, rested and at around 12:00 we started the descent as we need to reach the Park HQ before 6:00 so we can still avail of the dinner buffet and this non-stop hike broke my knees. We were at KM 3.0 before the Park HQ when my knees just gave up, we were on the stairs and I almost slipped as it just wouldn’t hold my legs anymore and so we have to rest for me to regain some strength.

I actually kind of carried myself through my hands on our way down using two poles but I thank God I made it without having someone to carry me. And that my friend is how I injured my knees, honestly - not really it wasn’t the long hike; it was the lack of preparation before the climb. So take it from me and prepare, prepare and prepare before a major climb. The good news is I am now on the road to complete healing, yes I believe I can heal completely, nothing is impossible with God. :D

please visit my fb page and like:

here are some photos:

I suugest you book through Sutera because Mountain Torq doesn't have any accomodation at the Headquarters, and you will miss the fireplace.. :P

We will make it through the stairs.. nanana..
When you see this heavenly stairway, you are close to having rest at Laban Rata - really close so cheer up!
I honestly loved the flowers, but more than that I wanted to rest... :D

the best part of the climb... descent via ferrata

the mossy forest connecting to the other half of the via ferrata trail - there's an option to go only for the first half..
As I said, the most fun part.. :)
congratulate me.. :)
ok, its not part of the climb but it's cool.. :D

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Cambodia-Vietnam in 3 Days

We are rich out there, want to count millions? Visit these places.

So we only had three days - spend one of that traveling and you'll get one day for each country. Honestly, there were some misunderstanding with the booking because when they told me about the trip they said five days, well, they were not looking at the time frames of the booked dates. I just realized it was only three days when I got the copy of my ticket. Since we bought it on a piso fare (you pretty much know the airline) I really can't complain as I know how hard it is to book such seats and just made plans to just fit our three days with whatever we can do with the country's main attractions. My advice, check the actual time and date of the tickets before you say yes if you want a longer vacation because I had 4 days of leave from work but can only enjoy 3 of them and that is just sad.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed the trip due to the fact that there - we can travel cheap. What's expensive is the travel tax and terminal fee - where is the government spending all these money? Travelers should organize one rally at Mendiola one of these days - let me know, I'll definitely join. Alright, enough of the rant I'll make a separate blog for that :). To let you know how cheap my travel was, I spent roughly around 7k PhP minus airport bogus. I'll give you an outline with my expenses at the end of my blog.

We left Tuesday night (July 2) - 19:45 MLA and we arrived at around 22:00 at Cambodia, we have a 1-hour time difference so basically the travel time is 3 hours -  my farthest air travel so far. We checked in at Velkommen Guesthouse and prepped ourselves to have dinner in what they called the "Pub Street" and we had the experience of riding a "Tuk-tuk" to take us there.

The next day - we woke up early to begin our half-day tour of their temples that was supposed to commence at 8:00 but we were a bit late. We are a group of 8 so it wasn't expensive for us to be on a group tour - where we hired a van but I envy those who rode in their rented bicycles. The van cost us 65 USD but you can rent a bike for 2-4 USD for the whole day, however, if you think bike is just too much effort and you want to save your energy you can rent one Tuk-Tuk for 12USD for one whole day (if my source was right :P). We were advised to not wear shorts (I wasn't planning to wear one anyway) but we saw some ladies wearing shorts and they were allowed to view the temples but you can not get into some places they consider "holy". This thing is not advisable for kids, specially if they don't appreciate history unless they love walking because it involves a lot of walking and more walking.

We were done with the temple tour at around 14:00 so we got back to the guest house while my other friends inquired about the buses bound to Vietnam and we have agreed to take the bus leaving at midnight. so we still had time to sleep a bit. Little did we know that we are actually going to ride two buses and that we had to change buses at Phnom Penh where we have to wait for almost 2 hours for the other bus to take us to Saigon. If I had only known - which I did not, I would prefer to stay in Phnom Penh for half a day and take the bus to Vietnam at noon so we can catch the early Chu Chi tunnels tour the next day. To sum up the travel time - 6 hours Siem Reap to Phnom Penh and more or less 5 hours from Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh (formerly Saigon) including stop overs and Boarder Checks.

Saigon, which reminds me of Lea Salonga is a city of Motorbikes. There are more Motorbikes than cars, and they ride it like a boss - you know they drive it like crazy (lost for words :P). We arrived at Saigon at around 13:00, rested at MyMy's guesthouse and then at 16:00 left to try their french influenced dishes which is more like American to me, or are these dishes the same? I loved the bread from the restaurant - Bready, and yes you read it right, it is indeed Bready, (sounds like Freddy :P) recommended by the Inn Keeper at MyMy's guesthouse (both our cambodia and vietnamn hostels can be found at hostelworld)..

After the dinner we went to explore their night market, I was hoping to find a bag for hiking and traveling the same but I did not really like the stitches and overall quality of bags there so in short I didn't buy anything. We went home and while they go out to have some drinks, I stayed in the guesthouse and slept. And yes, I'm not really into night life, just in case you wanna know. :)

The next day we had to wake up early again because the bus for the Chu Chi tunnels is leaving at 7:00. The trip to the Chu Chi tunnels is a bit long - around 2 hours and 30 minutes. We had a stop-over at a factory of sorts where they make hand maid Vietnam products, where we also had our brunch.Buses is for 5USD (100K Dong), while the entrance is 90 K Dong. Of course you will have a tour while the guide tells you about their history which is really awful and makes you glad you are a Filipino but would make you appreciate Viet Cong's patriotism and there's a free snack/lunch whichever term you prefer where they served cassava and tea. :)

It was the only scheduled activity we had for the day and rest was to be spent buying "pasalubong", but I decided to visit their war museum by myself and it was worth it, well, not that I enjoyed but I get the chance to get a glimpse of how horrific their war was. The Museum closes at 17:00 daily and the entrance is 15K Dong.

I spent the rest of my day at the night market after eating at KFC - yes I have to try this :).and just made sure to be back at the guesthouse at 19:00 to prepare for our flight back home.

Please see below for our itinerary and summary of expenses:

Day 0 - July 2 19:45 Flight
22:00 Arrival Taxi to guest house- 10 USD/8pax; Hostel 2USD/night
23:00 Dinner 3-5 USD depends on your choice; Tuktuk ride - 8usd/8pax (back and forth)
Day 1 - July 3 6:00 Wake Up Call
7:00 Break Fast 3-5 USD
8:30 Temple Tour Van - 65 USD/8pax (with free bottles of water); entrance - 20USD
12:00 Lunch 5-10 USD
13:00 Resume Temple Tour
14:00 Ride back to guesthouse
Rest, eat, slepp  food at 3-5 USD but still depends on your appetite
Day 2 - July 3 0:00 Ride Bus to Phnom Penh  28 USD, this includes the bus to Saigon
6:00 Arrive at Phnom Penh Hostel 30USD/ 8pax 2nights
6:30 Biscuits for breakfast :P
8:00 Ride Bus to Saigon
12:00 Stop-over Lunch 7-10 USD
13:00 Arive at Saigon Taxi to gusethouse - 4usd/8pax
14:00 Early Dinner 5-10 USD
17:00 Night /market
Day 3 - July 4 7:00 Left for Chu-chi Tunnels Bus at 5 USD back and forth
8:00 Stop-over (breakfast) 3-5 USD
9:30 Arrived at Chu-Chi tunnels Entrance 90K Dong (20K Dong = 1 USD)
11:30 lunch-snacks (depends on you) free - cassava and tea
13:00 Ride back to City
15:30 Dropped off at War Museum Entrance 15K Dong
17:00 Early Dinner  5-10 USD

here are some of photos:

that famous spot at Angkor Wat

that moment when you want to be Angelina Jolie.. but then I thought I'd rather be me..

it's called blocking...

helmet for one doollar... :) Vietnamn streets
Stop-over before the chu-chi tunnels..

my original group and my pseudo group, :P
so here I am again...
War museum on a rainy afternoon..
more war museum...

for more photos please visit and like my FB page below: :D